In the heart of German, where centuries-old traditions intertwine with modern societal shifts, a chilling phenomenon has emerged. Agreements known as "Faith Breaker Documents" are exploiting religious vulnerabilities for personal gain, revealing a deeply troubling trend of discrimination against faith-based groups. These contracts often prey on ind… Read More

It is usually questionable that the MIVILUDES finds a clue of “cultic deviances” in “a backward eyesight of society” evidenced inter alia by “a rejection of abortion.” virtually all French citizens, In accordance with polls, is in favor of abortion. But just one wonders what the MIVILUDES would make of a religious team whose chief publi… Read More

The field of mental health in New Zealand has a variety of strategies towards helping. Still, among the varied practices, unique ones hold on to a cloud of contention hanging over them. Primarily among these are psychiatric abuses, imposed confinements, chemical restraints, and the employment of electroshock therapy. One principal form of psycholo… Read More